Saturday, September 5, 2009

Still Waiting...

So it is September 5th and I have about 20 days till I will finally take off. Since I last posted anything I have done a little more research about my future home and found several interesting things. Firstly, the sporting event over there that best compares to the U of L UK rivalry is a boat race between Oxford and Cambridge....I know, a boat race!! If you don't believe me I found a video online that will show you if you click here...I think this will take some getting used to. I must say, however, that where ever I go I do not think I will find anything as exciting as a UK U of L basketball game.
Those games are undoubtably something special and I was lucky to be a part of it. My favorite game had to be this past year when Edgar Sosa hit a three pointer at the buzzer to beat the Cats(which was not the play drawn up in the huddle by the way) and we all went nuts. I remember being on the wing next to him at the time he took the shot thinking, "God I hope he makes this cause if he doesn't, we are all going to get yelled at!"
Probably just as exciting as my future trip to Oxford will be my trip back home next weekend to watch the Yankees play one time in the new stadium before I leave. I am a huge yankees fan and have been since I was little growing up in Manhattan. I will say, though, that baseball and the yankees were more exciting during the 1990s before money and payrolls really began to dominate the game. Now it seems that most teams(including my yanks) will try to just buy championships.....geez I really went on a sports tangent with this post!


  1. Definitely forgot to mention that you will see your greatest friend ever on your last trip to New York!!! and also...the boat race!!!! EXCITING!!!

  2. Best of luck over there, Will. By the way, I know a gorgeous lass just about your age, lol, who is in drama there, got her MA last year and performs nowadays locally in London. I enjoyed your career at Louisville and am delighted to see you blogging. Check mine out now and then.
